Sunday, June 8, 2008


Unitarianism/Universalism: the original One True Pairing.


Aaron Sawyer said...

email didn't work for me...
very funny stuff
do you have a picture to associate with the blog?
or should I use the happy face?

I'll credit you as emotionalwench unless you say otherwise

emotionalwench said...

Hmmm. Did you email I wrote it as la.poetesse.roux(at)gmail(dot)com on the blog so that spammers won't find my email address and send me junk mail. Try it again, it should work!

Using the happy face would be just fine, I found it at this chalice clipart webpage:

Crediting me as emotionalwench is also fine, although you can also credit me as Allison Nourie.

Thanks so much for giving me exposure on your website, I'm really happy about all the attention the blog is receiving!

UUpdater said...

FYI I added it to UUpdates as well (

UUpdater said...

Sorry for the double comment, here is a link UUpdates

emotionalwench said...

Wow, that's awesome! Thanks so much!